Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day of Recovery (we hope)

I will spare you the gory details, but it is safe to say we have given up all hope of any sightseeing trips for today. We are laying low at the hotel and probably will call the doctor later, and praying we feel a little better for the flight home tomorrow. Yesterday, David and I did get to the zoo for a short trip. He was still feeling well then and I wanted to let him do something. Here are a couple of pictures.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Adoption Complete

Pauline finished at the Embassy yesterday. Just a matter of picking up some papers. We are free to come home, but unfortunately do not have a flight until Sunday. We were hoping to spend the time sightseeing, but as Jaime is recovering, I seem to be going under the weather. David has been a trooper. He is keeping occupied with his legos, DS and the journal he has started. As you can see, he doesn`t seem to distressed. We haven`t given up all hope of getting to Antigua tomorrow - keep your fingers crossed for all of us. Anyway, here are a couple of pics.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Step One Complete

We arrived safely in Guatemala City and are now at the hotel. Pauline had the interview at the US Embassy yesterday, which went pretty smoothly (a bit of waiting around of course). And today she will go to pick up the visa. So far things have been pretty mellow - between getting in late and waking up early for the appointment, we are all tired. Also, Jaime seems to have a bit of a bug. He was sick in the night but seemed to be holding his own today until just recently he got sick again. We are going to lie low and the hotel is having the doctor come over. It seems like just a stomach virus, but with the plane trip ahead I guess it is better to be safe than sorry. Hopefully we will still be able to visit the historic city of Antiqua, but we will just have to wait and see. I will try to post pictures later, I just wanted to get a quick note out while I had the chance. The internet signal has been down most of the time we have been here.
David is keeping himself occupied exploring the hotel and we have had a few walks. It is the rainy season (I think they have 6 months of it) and it is not hard to see why they call it that. It goes from being sunny and beautiful one minute to a downpour the next. No one goes anywhere without an umbrella. More later, Fran